December 29, 2009
Snow Removal Update
December 27, 2009
Gables Association Info Page Updated
December 23, 2009
Christmas trash pickup schedule
December 18, 2009
Potential SFV Builder - Colfax Companies
December 16, 2009
VG Holiday Open House...Please Donate to the Hugo Foodshelves!
December 15, 2009
Reminder: 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry!' on Wednesday, 12/16
December 11, 2009
Santa Visits Saturday, Dec. 12 for Hugo Fire Dept. Food & Toy Drive
Volunteer Help needed for Welcome Packet
Website & Calendar Improvements
December 10, 2009
Master Board Meeting - Thursday January 7 at 6:00PM
A few residents have already informed us of a few items that they would like to be placed in the agenda. These include parking problems with the Fairview Clinic, re-starting the Landscape/Grounds Committee and noise complaints about the Blue Heron Grill. It is important for residents affected by these issues to attend the meeting, and share their opinions with the Board.
Reminder: SFV Board Meeting - Thursday December 17 at 7:00PM
The minutes for a few recent Master ARC, Master Board, and SFV Board Meetings have been posted with a redesigned resident website
December 9, 2009
New Builder Proposes to Build in Single Family Village
December 8, 2009
Victor Gardens 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry!' on Wednesday, 12/16
Snow Removal 2009-2010
The Board has selected Goetz Lawn as the snow removal contractor for this year’s snow removal season. They were selected because the Board believes they will deliver superior customer service at a reasonable price.
Snow Removal Guidelines
Snow will be removed from the following locations:
• Sidewalks
• Activity Center
• Bus Stops
• Alleys
• Mailboxes (to the satisfaction of the Post Master)
• Fire Hydrants (within 24 hours)
• City Sidewalks (within 24 hours)
Snow Fall Parameters
2”-4” – All snowfalls of 2” or more will be plowed. Snow removal will begin when substantial accumulation has ceased.
4”-9” – Single storms that are forecasted to produce accumulations of 4”-9” inches will be plowed. Trucks will be dispatched when accumulation reaches 3.5”-4.0” at the job site. A final plowing will be performed when substantial accumulation has ceased.
The Association, working with the Contractor, reserves the right to push/pile the snow anywhere on the common areas where it is most cost effective for the Association. This may mean that areas adjacent to individual units and/or yards may be used for the storage of plowed snow.
Accumulation Clause
In the event of multiple snowfalls of less than 2”, which in turn accumulate to more than 2”over a period of time, snow removal will commence. Accumulated snowfall of more than 2”requires plowing. Accumulated snow as a result of wind is part of the snow removal contract and is plowed.
Dispatch and Service Times
The Association must recognize this is subject to the rate of snowfall and the time any given snow fall begins. Upon completion of the snow our contract requires that all snow removal operations be completed within twelve hours.
Emergency Contacts
If a questions or concerns arise regarding snow removal please contact the Associations Community Manager, Casey Groff, at 763-225-6498 or via email at
Homeowner feedback is essential to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Your comments and feedback are much appreciated.
December 5, 2009
Local Business Profile & Offer to Residents - Goetz Landscape
December 1, 2009
City of Hugo Noise Ordinance
Sec. 46-3. Public nuisances affecting peace and safety.
(11) All unnecessary noises which tend to disturb the peace and repose of neighboring residents. In addition the following requirement for amplified sound from motor vehicles shall be met.
a. Amplified sound from motor vehicles. It shall be a violation of this section to play, operate or permit the playing, use or operation of any radio, tape player, disc player, loud speaker or other electronic device used for the amplification of sound, music, or other entertainment, which is located within a motor vehicle on a public street or alley, or in a commercial or residential parking facility, which is plainly audible by any person from a distance of 50 feet or more from the motor vehicle. When sound violating this section is produced or reproduced by any such device that is located in a motor vehicle, the motor vehicle's owner, if present when the violation occurs, is guilty of the violation. If the motor vehicle's owner is not present at the time of the violation, the person who has dominion, care or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the violation is guilty of the violation. In addition to an owner or a driver, any person who controls or assists with the production, reproduction, or amplification of sound in violation of this section is guilty of the violation.
i. Enforcement duties. The Sheriff's Department shall enforce the provisions of this section.
ii. Civil remedies. This section may be enforced by injunction, action for abatement, or other appropriate civil remedy.
iii. Criminal penalties. Every person who violates any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $500.00 or imprisonment for a term of not to exceed 90 days, or both plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. Each act of violation and each day a violation occurs or continues constitutes a separate offense.
Sec. 46-4. Enforcement--Responsibility and powers.
It shall be the duty of the council to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and the council may, by resolution, delegate to other officers or agencies the power to enforce particular provisions of this chapter, including the power to inspect private premises, and the officers charged with enforcement of this chapter shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the commission and maintenance of public nuisances.
(Prior Code, § 165-050)
Sec. 46-5. Same--Procedure.
(a) Complaint filed. Whenever in the judgment of the city council charged with enforcement, it is determined upon the preliminary investigation or complaint filed with the city clerk that a public nuisance may be maintained or exist within the city, the city clerk shall notify in writing the person committing or maintaining such public nuisance requiring him to appear before the city council at a specific time and place after service upon him to discuss and explain said public nuisance and its abatement or removal.
(b) Judgment by council. Upon the failure of said persons to appear or after said preliminary hearing if in the judgment of the city council it is determined by its investigation that a public nuisance is being maintained or exists within the city, the city clerk shall notify in writing the person committing or maintaining such public nuisance to remove such conditions or remedy such defects.
(c) Notification to abate. Said preliminary and final written notice shall be served on the person committing or maintaining said nuisance in person or by certified return receipt requested mail. If the premises are not occupied and the address of the owner is unknown, service on the owner may be had by posting a copy of the preliminary or final notice on the premises, or both, to take reasonable steps within a reasonable time to be designated in said notice, but the maximum time for the removal of said nuisance after service of said notice may be proved by filing an affidavit of service in the office of the city clerk setting forth the manner and time thereof.
(d) Noncompliance. When an order so given is not complied with, such noncompliance shall be reported forthwith to the council for such action as may be necessary and deemed advisable in the name of the city to abate and enjoin further continuation of said nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 165-060)
Sec. 46-6. Abatement of nuisance by council.
If, after such service of notice, the person served fails to abate the nuisance or make the necessary repairs, alterations or changes in accordance with the direction of the council, the council may cause such nuisance to be abated at the expense of the city and recover such expenditure by civil action against the person served; or, if service, as herein defined, has been had upon the owner or occupant, by ordering the clerk to extend such sum as a special assessment against the property upon which the nuisance existed and to certify the same to the county auditor for collection in the same manner as taxes and special assessments are certified and collected.
(Prior Code, § 165-070)
Sec. 46-7. Penalties.
Any person who shall cause or create a nuisance, or permit any nuisance to be created or placed upon, or to remain upon, any premises owned or occupied by him, and any person who shall fail to comply with any order made under the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction thereof,shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 165-080)
Master ARC Meeting Minutes Now Available
November 17, 2009
SFV Board Meeting Dec. 17, 7PM
November 13, 2009
Builders Downsize the Dream - from the Wall Street Journal
November 9, 2009
Your Opinion Requested
Master ARC Meeting Agenda Available
October 29, 2009
Centex Drops Effort to Build in Victor Gardens
Regularly Scheduled Master ARC Meetings Planned
Master ARC Meeting Minutes - October 22
October 20, 2009
The Emphasis on Architecture
October 16, 2009
SFV ARC/Board Meeting Minutes Posted
Master ARC Meeting - October 22
SFV Volunteers Needed for Resident Welcome Packet
Mark Youngdahl's Opinion of Centex's Home Plans
October 15, 2009
Goetz Landscape Contracted for Snow Removal
October 6, 2009
Upcoming Master Board/ARC Meetings
SFV Board Meeting Oct. 15, 7PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center
Master Board Meeting Notes
October 5, 2009
Website Updated
Victor Square, Arbre, and Val Jean Parks Maintenance Update
October 4, 2009
Villas Condo Association Hires Community Development Inc.
September 30, 2009
Master Board Meeting Agenda Released
Website Updated - Association Pages, Contact Info changes.
Master Board/ARC Approves Landscape Plan without Group Discusssion
September 25, 2009
Master Association Board Meeting - October 5.
September 16, 2009
SFV Board Meeting Reminder Thursday 9/17 @ 7PM
Single Family Village Board of Director's Meeting Thursday, Sept. 17 - 7:00PM Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center
September 15, 2009
Pool Closed for the Season
September 8, 2009
Centex Submits Second Set (Concepts) of Plans to Master ARC
SFV Board Meeting Sept. 17, 7PM at the VG Neighborhood Activity Center
Pool Gate Lock- Some Keys Not Working
Casey Groff, Community Manager, Community Development, Inc.
Office: (763) 225-6400, Direct: (763) 225-6498
Email: Website:
September 5, 2009
Victor Square Weed Control
September 3, 2009
VG Social Committee Announces Back to School Movie Night...Sept 11th

Lawn Care - $50 Sprinkler Blow-Out Winterization

August 31, 2009
Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service