
December 17, 2016

Snow Removal Update

Snow removal services in Victor Gardens is handled by a few different contracting companies and the City of Hugo. Public streets are cleared by the City of Hugo.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your sub-association's Community Manager.  You can look them up on our Snow Removal page.  The page includes a map if you're not sure which sub-association you live in.

Most of Victor Gardens' sub-associations and our master association is served by Birch, Inc.  They do an excellent job of communicating with our Community Manager and Board Members. Here's a letter Birch sent yesterday:

Winter is here and in a way, we haven’t seen in a couple years; below average temps and above average snow falls; which is going to make for a white Christmas. 

With this being the start to our winter season we would like to send out some friendly reminders.

·         Stay off the Snow Piles: Please stay off the snow piles to prevent them from spilling back into the street. This is also a safety concern for all.

·         Walkways Free From Obstacles: Please remove all pet tethers, extension cords, or anything else that maybe hidden under the snow, to prevent it getting damaged, causing damage to our equipment or possible injuring someone.

·         ‘Open-up’ Services: ‘Open ups’ happen on events with more than 4” of snow has accumulated prior to am/pm rush hour.  The priority with open-ups is to allow emergency vehicles access to the homes.  Second goal is to allow homeowner to get in and out of their garages.  Plowing to the edge of the streets and driveways will not happen during an open up, neither will any shoveling.  The full plow and shovel services will take place at cessation of the snow event.

·         ‘Full-plow’ services: ‘Full-plow’ of drives, private streets, and parking areas for most properties is to be completed within 12 hours after the cessation of a ‘snow event’ of 8” or less. For snow events of 8” to 12”, ‘full-plow’ of drives and parking areas to be completed within 16 hours.  In heavy snow conditions reasonable extensions will be granted.
·         Shoveling Services: Shoveling of sidewalks, garage aprons and entryways for most properties is to be completed within 12 hours after the cessation of snowfalls exceeding trigger depth and under 8”. Snowfalls over 8” will be completed within 24 hours. In heavy snow conditions reasonable extensions will be granted.
·         Parked Vehicles: Driveways and or other areas with vehicles parked in them during snow removal services will be skipped.  If BIRCH is asked to return to plow these areas the Association will be charged for this service.

·         Communication: Please have all communication, concerns, and questions go through the proper channels. The crews in the field are instructed to only take direction from their BIRCH, Inc. supervisor.
Accidents, miscues, and missed areas unfortunately do happen, but following the above guidelines will help execute the winter services in a timely manner. 

Dan Steuernagel, Vice President

November 11, 2016

Food Collection Drive Saturday Morning

Your home will be visited tomorrow morning, Saturday November 11, by a small group of Hugo's Scouts. They'll be part of a city-wide effort known as "Hugo's Scouting for Food & Feeding the Need".  Scouts all across Hugo will collect non-perishable food and personal item donations for our Hugo Good Neighbor's Food Shelf.  

This isn't just a fun Saturday morning activity for kids.  It's an effort we can all be proud of.  Young people learn to work together.  They help to solve a tangible problem and draw inspiration to greater service.

On Saturday morning, Scouts will ring your doorbell seeking donations.  If you're not available (or would rather not answer your door in your pajamas) you're welcome to leave a bag at your front door before 10am or drop off at Viker's front porch at 4545 Garden Way N. These will all be collected by Scouts. Thanks in advance for your generosity and the community spirit that Victor Gardens residents are known for.

Hugo's Scouting for Food & Feeding the Need is a growing collaboration that now includes many Hugo and White Bear Lake Girl Scout Troops, Boy Scout Troop 151, Boy Scout Troop 89, Cub Scout Pack 151, White Bear Lake's VFW, and Hugo's Good Neighbor Food Shelf volunteers.

Thanks again and see you Saturday morning!

October 24, 2016

Local Business Profile : Lake View Window Washing $3.50/pane

Tony Schwab recommends Jordan Hentges of Lake View Window Washing, who's offering Victor Gardens residents a special deal. Jordan will clean windows for $3.50 a pane. (That would be $7.00 for a double hung window, both sides.)

Tony reports that he's checked other window cleaner's rates and they are charging $5.50 to $7.00 a pane, so this is a good deal. Jordan is a bonded, single owner of Lake View Window Washing. He will clean inside and outside of each window, wipe each sill, dust the screens.

To set up an appointment, contact Jordan directly:

Jordan Hentges, Owner
Lake View Window Washing
(763) 439-5652

October 21, 2016

Irrigation Winterization Schedule

Below is the approximate schedule for the weekend.  Between email, text, and phone I think I have everyone.  If anyone needs to cancel please let me know.  I'm trying my best to route things as efficiently as possibly. 

 Just a reminder for everyone to have the irrigation water supply off and access to the controller before we arrive.  The schedule is pretty tight so have these things done will keep us on schedule.  If anyone has any questions please let me know and I will try to do my best to respond.

Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.

Saturday, Oct 22
14382 Poets Green
14348 Poets Green
14336 Poets Green

9:00 AM – 11:00AM
14282 Garden Way
14262 Garden Way
14252 Garden Way
14246 Garden Way
14212 Garden Way
14176 Garden Way

11:00 – 1:00
14160 Garden Way
14142 Jardin
14136 Jardin
14143 Jardin Ave.
14157 Jardin

1:00 -3:00
4377 Garden Way
14241 Arbre Lane
14251 Arbre Lane
4344 Arbre Lane
4362 Arbre Lane
4376 Arbre Lane

3:00 – 4:00
14303 Garden Way
14341 Garden Way
14351 Garden Way

4:00 – 5:00
14326 Cosette Way
14318 Cosette Way N

5:00 – 5:30
4545 Garden Way

5:30 – 7:30
14292 Cosette Lane
4540 Val Jean
4503 Cosette Lane
4477 Cosette Lane
4429 Cosette Lane

Sunday Oct. 23rd
11:00 AM
4653 Val Jean
4685 Val Jean

12:00 PM – 1:30
14415 Everton Ave N
14425 Everton
14435 Everton
14445 Everton

1:30 – 3:00
4704 Provence Way
4672 Provence Way
4611 Provence Way
4667 Provence Way
4677 Provence Way

14444 Everton Ave N
4662 Val Jean

14622 Grantaire Lane
14313 Grantaire Lane

4464 Cosette Lane
14305 Victor Hugo Blvd.
14338 Cosette Way
14322 Garden Way

October 19, 2016

Local Military Family Needs Help - home destroyed, all belongings and 2 pets lost.

In the past, many area families and Cub Scouts Pack 151 have supported efforts to lift the spirits of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines deployed abroad. We've just been offered the chance to step up again, this time to help a local military family at a very difficult time. The home of a Soldier's family with the 133rd Air Wing/210th burned a few months ago. The family is currently living in White Bear Township.

Chuck Haas, Hugo's Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Network leader, shared with me this morning a request for help, including a detailed spreadsheet of the family's current needs.  Here's the link to the PDF  
Please read through it and consider what you may be able to donate. With a request for specific items such as this there is the possibility that several people may provide the same item. So please, in your generosity, take a moment to call Kelly Wilkinson about what items are still needed, or alternatively, gift cards are always welcome.

At tomorrow's Cub Scouts Pack meeting at Oneka Elementary School at 6:30pm, we'll collect donated items to pass along to this family. You can also leave hand carry-able donations on my front porch at 4545 Garden Way N.  After tomorrow, you're welcome to follow up with Kelly Wilkinson regarding donations. Her contact info is:

Kelly J. Wilkinson, CMSgt (Ret)
Airman and Family Readiness Program Manager
133rd Airlift Wing
(O) 612-713-2367
(C) 612-741-8000

September 28, 2016

Irrigation winterization

It is getting to be that time of year again.  Irrigation Winterizations. 

The weekend of October 22 and 23.  The price will remain the same as last year which was $50.00 cash or check payable to Shawn Herman. 

Other times can be scheduled if this does not work for you but regular season rates will apply.

This is the tentative route I would use for the weekend based on last year numbers to help give residents a rough estimate of where they would be on the schedule.

On Sat. the 22nd the route starts at about 8 AM on Poets Green then to Garden Way West side of street heading south.  Around Jardin to Garden Way (usually mid morning), up Arbre, and around to catch the east side of Garden Way(usually early afternoon).  Then head east around to Cosette Way and take Victor Hugo down to Garden Way.  Go around the Park and back up the east side of Cosette Lane (mid to late afternoon) around to Victor Hugo.  From there I will head east down Val Jean to the Bridge.  Depending on response I will probably stop here due to darkness.

On the 23rd start time will depend on number of participants.  It probably would not be before 11 am.  I would begin again on Val Jean from the bridge heading east to Everton.  North on Everton, east side of street, to Provence.  Around Provence back down west side of Everton to Val Jean.  Then west down Val Jean to the Bridge.

As usual timing/scheduling will be totally dependent on the number participating and if there are any unforeseen problems encountered during the day. 

If you have any questions please let me know.

Everyone can sign up by contacting me directly as per the contact information below.


Shawn Herman
Classic Lawnscape Inc.
Cell/text – 612-366-6088.

September 14, 2016

Lawn Care - $40 Core Aeration Service

Core Aeration Promotes Healthy Grass
Tony Schwab has spoken to Jeff Ambrose of Pro-Aire Lawn Service again this year about lawn core aeration services.

Jeff has offered his aeration services to Victor Gardens residents for a number of years and does a very professional job. He's offering a Victor Gardens discount rate of $40/per lawn regardless of size. That's less than what most others charge for this service. For do-it-yourselfers, this is a pretty good deal considering the cost of renting the machine, time and effort involved, plus the cost of gas. Jeff's done a great job on our lawn over the years, and I would recommend his services to anyone.

Call Jeff Ambrose directly at (651) 274-1535. He's currently coordinating a schedule of Victor Gardens appointments.

If you're unfamiliar with core aeration, the U of M Extension Service describes it pretty well, "Core aeration is the best method of dealing with the problem of compaction in the lawn. Aeration promotes moisture and air penetration into soils, resulting in deeper and healthier root systems on the grass plants. ... The best time of year to aerate the lawn is late August to early October. Aeration can be done in the spring but will lead to additional weed seeds being brought to the surface where they may germinate. In fall, weed seeds will also be brought to the surface, but they will not sprout."

July 27, 2016

National Night Out Tuesday, August 2

You're invited to Victor Gardens National Night Out, Tuesday August 2, 6-8pm in Arbre Park.

  • Volunteer help needed
  • Fiesta Cancun offering taco bar for purchase again. 
  • Cake provided by KinderGardens 
  • Dilly Bars provided by BIRCH, inc. 
  • Water provided by Living Waters Lutheran Church
  • Bounce Houses
  • Crazy Hair 
  • Glitter Tattoos
  • Lorenz Dance putting on a show around 6:30p
  • Washington County Sheriffs Dept will be there too at some point
SignupGenius has a list of easy, half-hour long tasks (like keeping an eye on a bounce house, help with crazy hair or glitter tattoos, etc.). We really do need your help in this effort.  Please signup now.

July 24, 2016

Do you know this dog or cat?

In two separate circumstances, a Golden Retriever and a cat were found. If you know who these belong to please reply via Victor Gardens News' Facebook or

Both were found in VG's Single Family Village. The dog has a collar and was found on Jardin Ave, south of the Jardin fountain. The cat has appeared regularly over the last few days near Val Jean Park.

July 16, 2016

Pokemon Go safety for kids

A few of us have noticed a downside of the current Pokemon Go app craze for iPhone and Android devices.  Our Victor Gardens kids have been wandering into roadways while walking in groups and riding bikes.  They're following a GPS trail to virtual creatures, "capturing", "battling", and "training" them from within the app.  

Parents, please ask your kids if they Pokemon Go.  Talk to them about being safe when they're playing the game around the neighborhood, crossing streets and beyond.  A few of us have noticed a few close calls with oncoming cars, and at busy Frenchman Road intersections.

For those of you who've not heard of this recent phenomenon, please check out these articles: 

June 25, 2016

Movie Night Postponed Until Tomorrow (Sunday)

Due to weather concerns, Movie Night in Val Jean Park is postponed until tomorrow, Sunday June 26. Disney's Zootopia will be shown at 8:45pm.  See you then!

June 11, 2016

Unauthorized VG Pool Access June 10

Regardless of excuses (lost key fob, non-working key fob, left key fob at home, etc.), under no circumstance should any resident/owner allow anyone other than their own household members and up to four guests access to VG's pool or Neighborhood Activity Center. 

The Master Association's Board of Directors has the authority to revoke pool privileges of anyone who violates this policy.

On Friday evening, June 10, prior the pool's closing time Washington County Sheriff's Deputies responded to the Victor Gardens Activity Center & Pool. The response was the result of a surveillance report of an individual jumping the pool's security fence earlier in the evening.

Deputies discussed the situation with a few individuals and an Incident Complaint Report was filed. Victor Gardens Community Association ("the Master Association") and the Community Manager has been notified and will follow-up next week. Video surveillance from multiple cameras will be reviewed and cross referenced with the building's key fob electronic access log.

In and around the pool and surrounding area, video-surveillance footage is collected from multiple cameras. Each key fob swipe at the door is identifiable to a specific owner and time-stamped. This makes it easier to cross-reference the video surveillance and determine which owner's key fob was used to allow access.

Residents are reminded to not allow access to anyone who is not a household member or up to four guests. Fence jumping, sneaking in, or holding the door open is never allowed.  Violations should be reported to the Washington County Sheriff's Non-Emergency line, (651) 439-9381 and the Master Association's Management Company, Associa Minnesota. Customer Service, (763) 746-1188.

June 2, 2016

Empty Nester Happy Hour June 21

Tria Restaurant, 5959 Centerville Rd, North Oaks, MN 55127
Attention Empty Nesters of Victor Gardens!
We are planning a Happy Hour for Empty Nesters at Tria for Tuesday, June 21.
We will meet at 4:30 on the patio at Tria. We can socialize with old friends and meet some of our new neighbors. If you would kindly RSVP to Lynn Olson at by Friday June 17. Hope to see you there.

June 1, 2016

Garage Sale Season

Garage Sales Season is starting.  Reply to the post on the Facebook to get your sale added here.

Thursday, June 2 - Friday, June 3
Heritage Ponds Neighborhood Sales
- Book sale on Fenway Ave (near Hugo water tower by Oneka Elem).  Books were donated by many local families.  All proceeds go to Hugo Food Shelf.  

Th, June 9 - Sat, June 11
Good Neighbor Days!  Lots of fun at City Hall.
Clearwater Creed Neighborhood Sales.
- Sale at 14260 Valjean Blvd
- Sale at 4618 Provence Way (6/10: 8am- 4pm, 6/11: 8am - noon)

May 26, 2016

Victor Gardens Pool Opens Friday

Victor Gardens Synchronized Swim Team, Opening Day, 1958

Have fun.

Play nice.

Leave your beer and other glass bottles at home.

Cameras and recording equipment is present.

Don't open the door for others. (If someone causes trouble and you were the one who let them in, you’ll lose your pool privileges.)

To report unauthorized pool access, dangerous situations or vandalism, contact the Washington County Sheriff.
  • Emergency: Dial 911
  • Non-Emergency: Dial (651) 439-9381
All Key fob and facility access questions should be directed to Victor Gardens Community Association's Management Company, Associa Minnesota. Customer Service: 763-746-1188. Colleen Brown, of Associa Minnesota is Victor Gardens Community Association's Community Manager.

  2. The swimming pool and water park are for the exclusive use of the members of Victor Gardens Community
    Association and their guests. The maximum number of guests per household is four.
  3. The Victor Gardens Community Association, its officers, directors and agents assume no responsibility for injuries.
  4. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
  5. People who cannot swim must wear lifejackets while in the pool.
  6. Diving, running, wrestling, horseplay and throwing objects are absolutely prohibited.
  7. Showers are required before entering the pool.
  8. Persons who have infections or communicable diseases must not enter the pool.
  9. Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
  10. Smoking is not allowed in or around the pool area along with the Activity Center.
  11. No Food or Glass bottles are allowed in the pool area.
  12. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area.
  13. Drunkenness is not allowed and any intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave the pool area.
  14. In order to keep the pool area pleasant for everyone, radios, tape players, CD players and other audio devices must be played only with earphones. Loudspeakers are prohibited.
  15. Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
  16. Pool hours are 6:00 am to 10:00 am for lap swim and 10:00 am to 9:00 pm for open swim. (during pool season)
  17. All pool toys must be removed from the pool each night, toys left in the pool will damage the pool’s mechanical system. (No Inflatable floatation devices are allowed in the pool except water wings, life jackets or infant/small children flotation seats.)
  18. All access to the pool area must be through the Activity Center. The gate is to be used for emergency purposes only.
  19. Spitting, spouting water from the mouth, and blowing noses in the pool are prohibited.
  20. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke anyone’s pool privileges for not following these pool rules.
  21. The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors may amend these pool rules at any time, without notice. You can contact Associa Minnesota for the most current and up-to-date rules.
These rules were adopted by the Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors

Local Business Profile : Lawn & Yard Maintenance

Brandi Werra is a friend of mine.  She's also a mom of 3 boys, volunteer leader of Hugo's Cub Scout Pack 151 and owner of a Hugo-based lawn care company. If your yard could use some professional help this season, I'd highly recommend her.  She already takes care of some Victor Gardens properties and does great work.  I asked Brandi if she had any info I could share.  Here it is:

Summer Season Lawn Care, local company.  DIRT-E GIRL Lawn Care


Weekly care includes mowing, line trimming obstacles in yard and blowing off all hard surfaces.

Monthly, weekly and seasonal billing available.

5% discount for those who prepay for the season.

Other services offered, Mulch install, Garden bed clean ups, shrub trimming, Fall lawn and garden leaf clean ups.

Fully licensed and insured in MN

Call Brandi Werra at 651-238-5000

May 25, 2016

Local Business Profile : Lake View Window Washing - $180 flat rate offer

Because of an accidental fall last year, Grant Dahl is no longer in the window washing business.

Victor Gardens resident, volunteer, and all-around-good-guy Tony Schwab has been speaking to a few other service providers who've done window washing in our neighborhood. Tony recommends a new window washer, and has negotiated a flat rate-price for and Victor Gardens homeowner.

Tony wrote, "I have found a great window washer after talking to a few of them with cost and performance in those conversations. His name is Jordan Hentges, he is bonded, single owner of Lake View Window Washing. Phone is (763) 439-5652 The total cost is $180.00 for any VG home no matter how many windows. He will clean inside and outside of each window, wipe each sill, dust the screens and if needed clean out the dryer vents at no extra cost. Thank You. - Tony"

Lake View Window Washing
Jordan Hentges
(763) 439-5652

May 19, 2016

Pool Access tied to Association Dues

Reminder: Victor Gardens' pool will open Memorial Day weekend. Ensure your association dues are current. Owners with delinquent accounts may find their pool access key fob restricted.

Two Board Meetings on July 13

On July 13, two seperate Board of Directors meetings are planned for the same evening.  This is intentional.  Starting at 6pm at Victor Gardens Neighborhood Community Center, the Victor Gardens Community Association ("Master") Board will meet.  Starting at 7pm, the Victor Gardens Single Family Village Homeowner's Association will pick up discussion of an issue that the Master Board will discuss at the end of it's meeting.  

Since Gene's Disposal started using longer trucks for recycling and trash pickup, they've been driving onto grass covered yards along the Garden Way carriageway, unable to make a tighter turn.  This results in yard damage.

VG's Master Board and VG's Single Family Village Board will discuss potential remedies. Residents are encouraged to attend and contribute to the discussion.

May 11, 2016

Thoughts on the vacant space near the pool & activity center

Discussion of the vacant site next to Victor Gardens' Neighborhood Activity Center and pool continues tonight.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to attend.  

I'm sharing an email (below) that I wrote to our Victor Gardens Community Association's Board and Long Term Planning Committee.  If you'd like to listen in on the conversation or provide your opinions, the meeting starts at 6pm tonight, Victor Gardens Activity Center, 14575 Victor Hugo Blvd.

Hello Board Members,

My busy evening schedule prevents me from attending tonight’s vacant property special meeting.  I’m sharing with you some emailed resident comments that our Community Manager, Colleen Brown shared with me.  They’re interesting, and provide a variety of valid opinions.  I know you’ll hear more tonight too.  I hope tonight’s meeting will produce a consensus that the Board can act on without delay.

Ever since Victor Gardens’ original sales office was removed many years ago from the site, this property has been the source of discussion and big ideas.  Over the years, some have been rejected as unworkable or too expensive. I’ve heard proposals for community vegetable gardens, ornamental gardens, playgrounds, enlarged pools, exercise buildings, residential buildings, kiddie pools and more.  

Based upon previous board discussions and emailed comments from residents, I support either of these two ideas:
  • Donating the property to the City of Hugo with the understanding that they’d create a mini-park. (Including playground equipment, bench, picnic table, etc.). Victor Gardens Community Association (our "Master HOA") and the City of Hugo cooperate with maintenance at Victor Square, Arbre Park and Val Jean Park.  Shared public/private maintenance of this mini-park would be in keeping with what we’re already doing successfully elsewhere.
  • Keeping the property as an VG Community Association Common Area and modify existing landscaping so that it fits better with the landscaping around the Neighborhood Activity Center and Victor Square.  To get this right, I’d suggest requesting professional design proposals from professional landscape designers. This design could include a picnic table, benches or similar.
As of now, here’s what I’m against:  
  • It’s not financially justifiable to invest a lot of money into a new community building, enlarged pool, or exercise facility.
  • A splash pad or kiddie pool, would become a magnet for non-residents, just as our pool did until we invested heavily in security services, electronic key fobs, cameras and recording devices. 
  • Enlarged parking areas.  There’s enough street and lot parking for the pool’s capacity.
  • Community gardens are a noble idea, but there isn’t water service to the property.  Volunteer maintenance hasn’t proved reliable in this neighborhood.
  • The property is too small to be developed into another townhouse building.  I’ve heard this from two different developers who specialize in this.
  • Leaving it as-is.  Although it’s no longer an eyesore, there are opportunities for better use.

Thank you,
Mark Vlker

April 30, 2016

Recent thefts & damage

UPDATE: A homeowner emailed me this morning.  "I had someone enter my garage through the service door yesterday morning at 1:30 am, the door chime for my alarm system woke me up and must have scared them off (it chimed three times, so it was opened, closed, then opened again).  I called 911 and they police came out, but couldn't find anything.  Nothing was taken, but it was rather unnerving.  I am almost certain the door was locked, but they got on anyway."

Over the last few days, a few residents in different parts of Victor Gardens have reported thefts of propane tanks, and damage to gas grills. 
As the weather warms up residents are urged to be careful. Lock your vehicles, don't leave garage door openers in vehicles parked outdoors, and close your garage doors when you're not around and at night.
Call 911 to report any suspicious activity.

April 29, 2016

Vacant property discussion

The Victor Gardens Community Association, or “Master Board”, along with the Long Term Planning Committee, will be holding a special meeting to discuss the vacant space near the Neighborhood Activity Center. As owners and residents of Victor Gardens, the Master Board is very interested in hearing what YOU would like done with the space. If you would like to voice your opinion about the amenities at Victor Gardens, the meeting is:

Wednesday, May 11 6pm
Victor Gardens Activity Center
14575 Victor Hugo Blvd
Hugo, MN 55038

This will be an informal, discussion-based meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, please provide something to me in writing so I can pass it along to the appropriate parties.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a lovely weekend!


Colleen Brown
Community Manager

Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
Main:  763-225-6400
Customer Service: 763-746-1188

April 7, 2016

Open gym. FlyAways gymnastics.

There are still spots available at the Victor Gardens gymnastics event on April 10th at FlyAways in Forest Lake at 4:15-5:30pm. Free for the first 30 kids to RSVP text to Kasey 763.300.5683

March 29, 2016

Victor Gardens News Website Administrator

After many years of volunteer service, Mark Vlker is ready to retire from administering the Victor Gardens News website. After reviewing the alternative options/costs (including having the community management company manage) the Master HOA board has approved the creation of a paid website administrator ($100 per month of service). Here are the details of the position:

Technology we use:
  • Google sites
  • Google calendar
  • Facebook
  • Campaign Monitor (bulk email distribution to subscribers - MailChimp would also work)
  • Write weekly blog posts based on info provided by board or committee members and Community Managers. (Example: board meeting announcements, pool updates, maintenance projects, new construction info, lawn care offers, window washing services, etc.)
  • Share content from other online sources. (Examples: local parks events, city/county news, etc.)
  • Maintain/ update Google calendar.
  • Update website periodically with refreshed content (Examples: Community Manager contact info updates, board membership changes, new policies, etc.)
Please send an email to with a brief response as to your interest and qualifications.

Empty lot next to VG's Neighborhood Activity Center

We will be setting a date for a special meeting of the Master Board during our annual master association meeting on April 13.

During the Great Recession a property the Board believed belonged to a bank reverted to ownership by the Master Association. This is land immediately adjacent to Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center building. Some of you will recall a survey conducted by the Long Range Planning Committee that was conducted in 2015. During this survey many ideas emerged for using the land….a tot splash pad, more parking, a playground for the western end of our community. Do you have ideas? Come to the annual meeting at 6:00 on April 13 and help us select a meeting date for detailed discussion of this issue. We will also briefly talk about this at the April 13 meeting as time allows in our busy annual meeting agenda.


March 28, 2016

Thanks Kasey!

Thanks to Kasey Birch and all the volunteers who helped with our annual Egg Hunt & Petting Zoo.

New faces are needed to plan events in the neighborhood. Kasey needs a co-chair as well as other committee members to help with budgeting, planning, advertising and coordinating volunteers for events. New ideas are always welcome! For more information contact Kasey at (763) 300-5683

March 9, 2016

Egg Hunt and other upcoming events

Annual Victor Gardens Egg Hunt and Petting Zoo

Egg hunt and petting zoo will be held on Sat, March 19th at 4:00pm Arbre Park.  Please arrive a bit early so your kids don't miss out.  Bring a bag to collect goodies from the eggs.  Petting zoo will immediately follow.

Help needed for Egg Hunt

- Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30pm - egg filling at the activity center (pool house).  Children are welcome.
- Saturday, March 19th at 3:00pm - set-up.  Please meet at the pool house to collect supplies before traveling to Arbre Park.
- RSVP to Kasey at 763-300-5683 to help.

Mark your calendar for additional events

- April 10th - Flips Gymnastics open gym.
- May 29th - Movie night at Valjean Park
- June 24th - Root beer floats at activity center
- July 18th - Magic in the park family event
- Aug 2nd - National Night Out
- Aug 24th - Root beer floats at activity center
- Sep 23rd - Movie night at Valjean Park

More information to follow.  If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above events or are willing to plan another event please contact Kasey at 763-300-5683

Help needed on events committee

New faces are needed to plan events in the neighborhood.  Kasey needs a co-chair as well as other committee members to help with budgeting, planning, advertising and coordinating volunteers for events.  New ideas are always welcome!  For more information contact Kasey at 763-300-5683

February 3, 2016

Snow removal update 2-3-16

Below is an excerpt sent to board members whose sub associations have contracted Birch for their snow removal services. Keep in mind that not every sub association contracts with Birch. For a complete list of providers please check Victor Gardens News' Snow Removal page.


Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:44 AM
Subject: FW: 2.3.2016 Snow Event Update

Good Morning,

The plowing crews have been working throughout the night getting ‘open-ups’ completed. We anticipated transitioning into ‘full-plow’ overnight but due to the continued snowfall and sustained wind speed at 20 mph with gusts over 25mph our efforts have been futile. After every property is ‘opened’ and functioning we will cease snow plowing and will return this evening to touch up the properties and finish the ‘full-plow’; as winds and snowfall are forecasted to subside this evening.

As for snow shoveling, crews were dispatched in the early morning hours, but have had the same challanges of continued snowfall with high winds causing the once cleared sidewalk and/or walkway to be quickly drifted back in with snow. We have choosen to transition our snow shovling crews to focus on garage door fronts this morning. The crews will return this evening to clear walkways and sidewalks.

Thank you for your patience as work through this winter storm.


Kris Birch

February 2, 2016

Snow removal update 2-2-16

Below is an excerpt sent to board members whose sub associations have contracted Birch for their snow removal services.  Keep in mind that not every sub association contracts with Birch.  For a complete list of providers please check Victor Gardens News' Snow Removal page.


Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 3:08 PM
Subject:2/2/2016 Snow Event Update

Good Afternoon,

The much anticipated snow event is upon us. The afternoon rush hour timing, 1-2” per hour snowfall rates, combined with strong winds will make this snow event challenging. The good part is the forecasts have been discussing this event for almost a week, so we are ready.

Crews are being dispatched for ‘open-up’ plowing this afternoon ranging from 3 pm to 5pm, earlier times in the south, later times in the north; based on forecast snow accumulation of 4” around 6pm.

Heaviest snow fall rates from 4pm-8pm, tapering around midnight, with little accumulation snow in the early morning hours.

Full snow plowing and shoveling will commence once accumulation snow tapers.


Kris Birch

January 13, 2016

Tonight's Master Board Meeting is cancelled

Due to absences, the Master Board's meeting tonight is cancelled.  Please keep an eye on our calendar for rescheduling info.

January 7, 2016

Master Board Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 13

The quarterly meeting of Victor Gardens Community Association's Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 13.  All master association residents and owners are welcome to attend.  A portion of this and every meeting will be available to residents to speak to board members and our new Community Manager, Colleen Brown about any concerns or questions.

VG Master Association Board Meeting
January 13, 6:00pm
Victor Gardens Neighborhood Activity Center

Welcome Colleen Brown, our new Community Manager

Colleen Brown has been on Victor Gardens' Community Development/Associa team for quite a while.  She knows our neighborhood well as she's worked very closely with Jennifer Campbell, our former Community Manager.  Ms. Campbell is moving into a more supervisory role within the company, and we're very fortunate to welcome Ms. Brown as Victor Gardens' new Community Manager.

As you probably know, Community Development Inc. is now Associa Minnesota.  Associa's new centralized customer service system has reduced response times for routine homeowner and association-related questions.  Please reach out to Ms. Brown and the Associa team if you have any questions.

Colleen Brown
Community Manager
Associa Minnesota
7100 Northland Circle N. Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428