May 12, 2010
Schools Out Movie Night in the Park

May 11, 2010
Covenants to be the Subject of a Special SFV Board Meeting set for Monday, May 24, 7pm
May 10, 2010
New Electronic Pool Access Control System
Dear Victor Gardens Homeowner:
The Victor Gardens Master Board of Directors is pleased to announce that an Access Control System will be installed this spring at the pool in Victor Gardens Community.
This upgrade to our pool will enable the Association to achieve improved security and safety for the residents of Victor Gardens.
With the installation of the Access Control System, the Master Association Board of Directors hopes to eliminate after-hours swimming and vandalism together with the repair and replacement expenses associated with such activities.
This change will affect how you enter the pool. There will no longer be an entrance to the pool through the gate that surrounds the pool. The gate will be EMERGENCY exit only. The new entrance will be through the main pool house door.
The pool is scheduled to open on Friday May 28, 2010 at 10am. Unfortunately the card access system will not be completed in its entirety prior to the date the pool opens. Please continue to use the pool key you have until you receive your new key fob in the mail. It is anticipated that the Access Control System will be operational within a week or two of the date the pool opens.
Please contact our Community Manager, Kari Miller at 763-225-6424 or by email at kmiller@developcommunity.com with any questions.
The Victor Gardens Community Association Board of Directors