April 23, 2009
Master Board Meeting set for April 23
April 22, 2009
SFV Annual Meeting & Election May 27, 2009, 6:00PM
May 27, 2009 6:00pm
Rice Lake Centre
6900 137th Street N, Hugo, MN 55038
Elections will be held for two Board Director seats currently occupied by
Michael Warner, 14351 Garden Way and
Ron Mehl of Neighborhood Development Partners LLC
Watch your mailbox for official notification and proxy ballots.
In order to nominate someone you must fill in your name, address and sign the ballot.
You may nominate yourself or another individual.
If you are nominating another individual, please verify their interest in serving on the Board of Directors prior to filling in their name on the ballot. Even if you do not wish to vote for a specific candidate, please return your SIGNED ballot so that a quorum can be reached and the homeowners present can proceed with the election.